Identity and access management
Azure AD
authentication system in Azure
also authentication system for other Microsoft cloud services like Office 365 etc
subscriptions are created to Azure AD tenant
there can be multiple subscriptions under single Azure AD tenant
Azure AD Connect can synchronize users between on-premise AD and Azure AD
Managed Identities
Internally, managed identities are service principals of a special type, locked to only be used with Azure resources
when the managed identity is deleted, the corresponding service principal is removed.
Azure takes care of rolling the credentials used by Managed identity, so there is no need for manual credential rotation
There are two types of managed identities
system-assigned managed identity
enabled directly on an Azure service instance. Tied to a lifecycle of that service.
user-assigned managed identity
created as a standalone Azure resource. This identity can be assigned to one or more Azure service instances.
has lifecycle of its own
Allows to authorize to user specific actions to specific Azure resources
Role definition is a collection of permissions
Three built-in roles
Owner - can perform all actions on all resource types
Contributor - similar than Owner, but does not allow managing RBAC itself
Reader - can perform all read actions on all resource types
Azure also provides resource specific built-in roles
Custom roles can be created
Access to resources can be granted by assigning role to security principal, which are
Service Principal
Assignment structure
Security Principal
Resource Group
When assignment is done on subscription or resource group level, the resources below in this hierarchy inherit this assignment
Azure Essentials: Identity and Access Management -
Understand Azure role definitions -
Last updated