Pod Security Policies
Mostly notes from watching TGI Kubernetes 078: Pod Security Policies
Pod Security Policies (PSP) are mechanism to prevent security aspects and capabilities of containers.
It is implemented by as an optional, but recommended, admission controller
Depending on the platform and Kubernetes distribution, PSP might need to enabled first
PSPs are cluster-wide resources
Kubernetes objects need to be granted privileges to use PSPs by RBAC
For example, create ClusterRole and then RoleBinding to bind it to specific namespaces
In my opinion, PSPs should be used in every production cluster
It is recommended to create multiple PSPs for different types of workloads. For example:
More privileged PSP for kube-system pods. Check TGIK 078 or Kube docs example for this.
Restricted for "normal" workloads
Something in between, if needed
You can use
kubectl describe/get $OBJECT
to check which PSP the pod is using from its annotationsIn order to create a default and restrictive policy which always resolves, use ClusterRoleBinding and bind to rule to group
Security context configures security aspects for the pods
You can provide exceptions to PSPs on
workload level
binding the role to specific ServiceAccount
namespace level
Helper and auditing tool: https://github.com/sysdiglabs/kube-psp-advisor
Advices the set of PSP against your workload
Kubernetes docs - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
TGI Kubernetes 078: Pod Security Policies -https://youtube.com/watch?v=zErhwjPRKn8
Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
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